Are you a scholar, pollster, or graduate student conducting social research?
Social research requires rigor and transparency. Confounds, artifacts, measurement error, and improper analyses all threaten a researcher's ability to reach the correct conclusions from the data. From start to finish, we can help scholars and researchers conduct empirically sound studies to test hypotheses and estimate populations. Here are a few of the ways Matt Berent Consulting can help you collect, analyze, and interpret valid and reliable social data using scientific best practices:

Attention to detail is a hallmark of the best scientific research. Recognizing potential confounds and anticipating artifacts before collecting data will help you reach unambiguous conclusions. Addressing design flaws is a lot more difficult after data are collected. Don't wait until your colleagues point out what you've done wrong. We can help you design and execute a program of research that avoids many of the common problems and criticisms of social research.
All data have error, but some data collection strategies have more error than others. Choosing the right tool to measure social phenomena will help reduce the amount of error in your data. You wouldn't use an hourglass to measure time now that atomic clocks are available. Why use outdated and invalid social measurement tools now that better data collection methods are available. Error-prone data collection strategies only make your job of reaching correct research conclusions more difficult. We can help make your job easier by reducing measurement error through the latest data collection technologies
Are your data nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio? Are your data normally distributed or skewed? Are there real limits for your data distributions? Answers to questions like these will determine how your data should be analyzed. We are experts in a variety of different analytic techniques. We know which analyses are appropriate for different types of data and research questions, and we know how to conduct the analyses. Let us help you identify and execute the proper analytic strategy for your data.
You need to know the scientific landscape if you want your research to have an impact. We can help. Through extensive literature researches and reviews, we can help identify how your research meshes with other published scholarly works.
1348 Hall Avenue
Sharon, PA 16146
1348 Hall Avenue
Sharon, PA 16146
Matt Berent Consulting can also help with:
We are experts in:
- Structural equation modeling